The First Step To Achieve Your Dreams

The First Step To Achieve Your Dreams

Before the clock struck midnight, I'm sure many of you out there promised a new you for the new year.
Better yourself shouldn't have a timescale.
Why do you want to wait until the first of January to start tracking your calorie intake, to get organised or get more adventures? Don't get me wrong I used to do the same, but then I realised it's better to hit the refresh button not only once in my life.
Do it often, often as possible.
Changes in our lives are good, so we don't get too comfortable.

Stepping out of our comfort zone into the unknown, it's hard and scary, and you might feel that you are happy to stay inside but let's face it.
Deep down, you know that this isn't the right place for you.
You know that at the end of the day it'll worth it because everything you desire and you don't currently have it's outside your comfort zone, and if you really want to get it, you must face your fear.
If you are willing to feel awkward, uncomfortable, and try something new, you will able to reach those goals.

Once you encouraged yourself enough to make your first step, a new world will welcome you.
Where you will able to grow personally, increase your focus levels, your belief that YOU can do it, and most importantly, you will gain self-confidence.
By pushing the boundaries, setting new goals and failing fast will help you to learn from your mistakes.
You'll feel emotional turbulence.
From time to time, you will feel that your world is sinking and everything you desire is just getting further away from you.
But remember you are capable of so much more than you ever believed.
You have the full control over your mind, and if you set a goal ahead of you, there is nothing, I mean nothing can stop you.

Sadly many people out there wake up every day with that aching feeling of underachievement, and it's all because they don't dare to live their life to the fullest.
They scared to make their first step towards their dreams which are just waiting for them.
I know because I used to be one of them.
What have I learnt? It is scary, it's terrifying to navigate in the unknown, it requires more effort, but it's also a hell of a lot more fun.
I have a perfect example of this.

I was 19 years old when I decided to leave everything behind and move to the United Kingdom.
I had no friends or family members over here, just me, me alone.
I remember when my teachers were asking every one of us in the room: So what's your plan? Which uni are you applying for?
What do you want to be? ( Keep in my mind that it's a different education system)
I was listening with all ears: Doctors, lawyers, accountants, more and more lawyers.
Then it was my turn to answer. I was standing there all by my side with extremely sweaty hands and answering the question.
I am not applying to uni, and I'm moving! I'm moving to the UK.
It was a scary moment in my life.
Firstly, because this was the first time I said it out loud, so it all became real secondly because I was so chained to my idea without an actual plan.
But now I know that this was one of the best decision of my life.
I stepped completely out of my comfort zone when I moved and since I've been in this unbelievable journey.
But did I feel uncomfortable, scared or doubtful?
Countless times. I' ve been in many situations where I felt all these things even at once but this helped me to grow, to be brave and stronger then I was before.
Once I made my first step its created a force to keep pushing forward, to stretch and push those boundaries as much as I possibly can.
This is how I started this blog.
To read my previous post about my decision why I moved to the UK, click here.

To be a better version of yourself shouldn't have a timescale.
If you are not happy with something in your life, change it.
The only person who is holding you back is YOU.
Hit that F5 and change whatever is that you are not happy with.
I always believed that you must be willing to take risks.
No matter if it's big or small, but I didn't dare to live up to my belief until I was 19.
I was scared, and that held back.

Reminding myself of my story about my moving to this huge city from a small village as a risky step forwards my dreams.
Helped me so many times to gain the courage to my next goal.

A couple of years ago, life didn't just give a lemon it threw at me really hard, and it took me about a year to get my life back to track.
Yes, I took a huge risk, and I lost, I lost a lot, but I learnt from it and even after or all that I would suggest everyone take risks. Because every effort, every step, and every failure draws you closer to your goal.

Familiarity keeps you safe, but if you do not expand, step out your comfort zone, you never will know what you are capable of, and you most likely won't reach your dreams.
Stepping out, your comfort zone means you extend your personal boundaries, and once you reached that whatever was new will just become completely normal, this is how you grow.
I was terrified many times in my life, and I'm pretty sure that there is more to come until I reach my dreams, but it's all down to me and how much I want it.

Like my dad always says ( who is a super pessimistic person by the way) you will figure it out, there is no way, just another way.
My dd's mindset and mine are so different, but I have to admit he is right.
I'm so happy he cannot understand this or he would know I said that. haha
If you have an idea to reach your goals, but you fail once or twice along the way, just find another way to get closer to your dreams, but never give up.

So, Let's make 2020 the year of new challenges.
Who's with me ?

"If people aren't laughing at your dreams, your dreams aren't big enough."

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