The Road to Manchester : From a Hungarian village to Manchester UK

The Road to Manchester : From a Hungarian village to Manchester UK

From a Small Hungarian Village to a Thriving UK City: A Journey of Surprises

Today marks the 10th anniversary of an incredible journey, one that began with a leap of faith and ended with a remarkable transformation.
In life, we often encounter challenges that test our resilience and determination.
This is the story of my life-changing journey, where I embarked on a new chapter by leaving my home country of Hungary to start a fresh life in the United Kingdom.
Ten years ago, I left behind my humble origins in a small village in Hungary and embarked on a life-changing adventure to one of the largest cities in the UK. Little did I know that this decision would shape my destiny in ways I could never have imagined.
As I reflect on my path, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the rocky yet rewarding road that led me to become a proud citizen of this remarkable country.

Chapter 1:
The Decision to Move

Leaving the comfort and familiarity of a close-knit community was not an easy choice. However, I yearned for new experiences, challenges, and opportunities beyond the boundaries of a small village. I dreamed of a life filled with growth, possibilities, and broader perspective on life, which led me to consider moving from a village in Hungary to a bigger city in the UK. While I have a love for my origins, I  felt that the narrow mindset was stifling and limited my potential.

During my last year of high school, when my classmates were discussing their university applications and envisioning their futures, I truly felt like an outsider.
My dreams were bigger and seemingly impossible compared to their aspirations, which made me feel disconnected from them. This sense of being different and not fitting in may have motivated me to seek an environment where my ambitions could be nurtured and supported.

Despite facing ridicule and people laughing or turning away from me over the past 10 years, I have chosen to embrace it. I was very determined. Rather than being upset by the negative reactions, I have used them as fuel to prove others wrong and pursue my dreams even more passionately.

The UK seemed like the perfect place to turn my aspirations into reality.

Moving to a bigger city in the UK provided an amazing access to a more diverse and open-minded community, where my dreams may be better understood and supported. Such an environment has offered me opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as the chance to connect with like-minded individuals who share my aspirations.

With a mixture of excitement, trepidation, and hope, I took the first step towards a new chapter in my life.

Chapter 2:
The Rocky Beginnings

The initial excitement and expectations quickly faded as reality hit me.

I was incredibly determined to pursue a new life, but in the midst of it all, I failed to fully comprehend the magnitude of the step I had taken. Suddenly, I found myself in a foreign country, completely alone. The language barrier and cultural differences posed significant challenges. I encountered moments of frustration and homesickness, often questioning my decision to leave behind everything I knew.
Despite having studied English for a decade in school, I couldn't understand a word. I felt lost and overwhelmed as the bubble of anticipation burst rapidly, but deep down I knew I’m on the right path.

To make matters more challenging, I had a very limited amount of money to start with. I only had £400, and even that was made possible by my dad taking out a loan for £200, and my brother Adrian lending me another £200. I didn't dare to ask for more, so I set this modest price range for them to invest in me. Looking back, I realise now that I couldn’t have been more mistaken.

The reality of my situation began to sink in, and I started to realise the difficulties I would face in building a new life from scratch. I quickly learnt that the road ahead will be tough, but I was ready to face it head-on. I was determined to prove to myself, everyone who believed or did not in me that I can succeed, despite the rocky start. I was prepared to work hard, learn from my mistakes, and embrace the challenges along the way. Every challenge I encountered only fuelled my determination further.

Just as my new chapter seemed to be coming to an abrupt end due to my limited funds, luck was on my side. I managed to secure a job with a hotel in the countryside. Yes, I arrived in the UK without a job, filled with optimism and hope.  Thinking of it now, it’s a dumb, but brave decision, I was only 19.

The position I landed was as a housekeeper. To be honest, I despised every second of it !!
The work was physically demanding and monotonous, and it didn't align with my aspirations. Nevertheless, I persevered and continued in that role for about a month. During that time, I also started working another job as a food runner.

While being a food runner wasn't my dream job either, it was a step in a different direction. It allowed me to interact with people, practice my English skills, and gain a better understanding of the hospitality industry. Despite the challenges, I tried to maintain a positive attitude and saw these jobs as stepping stones toward something greater.

Although I didn't enjoy my initial employment experiences, they taught me valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the importance of finding the right path. I knew deep down that I deserved more, and I was determined to find a way to pursue my true passions.

With each passing day, I continued to search for opportunities that aligned with my dreams and aspirations. I networked, researched, and applied for various positions in industries that interested me. I refused to allow setbacks or temporary disappointments to deter me from my ultimate goal.

While my journey has been far from easy, my determination hasn't wavered. Still at this day, I am constantly learning, growing, and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. I am confident that these early struggles will ultimately lead me to the life I envision for myself in the next 10 years.

Chapter 3:
Embracing Opportunities

As time went on, I began to adapt and embrace the opportunities that presented themselves. I wholeheartedly embraced every opportunity that came my way. I dedicated myself to improving my English skills, I pursued every chance to enhance my skills and knowledge.
I worked tirelessly, day by day, honing my language abilities and gaining confidence in my interactions.

Through hard work and perseverance, I secured a stable job and began to build a foundation for my future.

In my quest to find a career path that resonated with my interests, I applied for various roles in customer service, social media, and other fields. I had a burning desire to break into the fashion industry, as it had always intrigued me. Finally, my persistence and efforts paid off when I landed a position with a highly prestigious fashion business. From that moment on, everything started to fall into place.

I didn't look back; instead, I propelled myself forward with unwavering determination. I worked tirelessly, pouring my heart and soul into my job. I vividly remember that the office was located far outside the city, with no public transportation available. To make it to work, I had to wake up every day at 3-4 am and walk for two hours. It was a challenging journey, but I refused to let anything stop me.

After receiving my first well-paying salary, I prioritised repaying my dad and brother, who had supported me during my initial transition. I wanted to show my gratitude and ensure that they knew their belief in me was not in vain. I also asked my dad to ship over my bike, which I had received as a birthday gift in the past. Having my bike allowed me to streamline my commute and made each day a bit easier.

With each passing milestone and achievement, I continued to work hard, take on new responsibilities, and expand my knowledge and skills within the industry.
Every hurdle I encountered only fuelled my motivation to excel and prove myself.

Chapter 4:
Navigating New Horizons

The journey was not without its setbacks and moments of doubt. However, I refused to let adversity define me. I continued to strive for personal and professional growth, seizing every chance to expand my horizons. From learning new skills to exploring different industries, I pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone. Each step forward brought me closer to realizing my dreams.

Against all odds, I remained focused on my goals, working tirelessly until the age of 23 when I achieved a remarkable milestone: purchasing my very own house , a 110 years old Victorian 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom property in Manchester.

From the very beginning, I made a promise to myself: I would not let anyone or anything divert my focus from my goals. I knew that hard work and perseverance were key. Day after day, I pushed myself to the limits, determined to make a mark and carve out a successful life in my new home.

In life, we often encounter individuals who fail to understand our dreams and ambitions. It can be disheartening when even teachers, who are meant to inspire and guide us, discourage our aspirations. I was laughed at and told to set more "realistic" goals by many people .
Such as by some of my high school teachers, family members and very close friends.

I believe being ambitious means having a vision and the determination to pursue it relentlessly.
It is about setting high goals and believing in our ability to achieve them, regardless of what others may say.
While it may be challenging to face criticism and skepticism, it is crucial not to let those negative voices define our path.

Throughout history, many great minds and successful individuals have faced similar challenges.
They were often misunderstood, laughed at, or told their dreams were impossible. However, they chose to believe in themselves and their abilities, ultimately changing the world.

Chapter 5:
The Fruits of Perseverance

Today, as I celebrate a decade since that life-changing move, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and a sense of achievement.
The rocky road I traversed has led me to unimaginable heights.
I am now a citizen of this great country, a testament to my unwavering determination and the endless opportunities it has offered.
From a small village in Hungary to a thriving city in the UK, I have surpassed my expectations and embraced a life beyond my wildest dreams.

One of the goals I set for myself was to become a property owner in the UK, actually the first and youngest property owner of my family.
At the age of 23, after 4 years of relentless effort, I achieved a dream that seemed distant at times—I became a homeowner. The house I purchased represented the culmination of countless hours of hard work, sacrifice, and discipline.
It was a moment of immense pride and fulfillment.

Luck, they say, favors the prepared. While I do not often rely on luck in life, I must admit that a stroke of good fortune smiled upon me during this journey. The deal I secured for my new house was nothing short of incredible, considering the property's value. It was a testament to the universe aligning the stars just right, rewarding my perseverance and dedication.

Owning properties has not only provided me with a sense of stability and security but has also opened up opportunities for financial growth and investment.

In addition to my small success in the realm of property ownership, my professional career has flourished beyond my expectations. I set my sights on reaching one of the highest title in my field, and through continuous learning, dedication, and unwavering ambition, I have accomplished just that.
It hasn't been an easy journey, but the rewards have been immeasurable. I have gained invaluable experience, built a strong network of professionals, and made a positive impact in my industry.

Furthermore, I took a leap of faith and started my own business. Being an entrepreneur has allowed me to harness my creativity and take control of my destiny.
While the entrepreneurial journey is filled with risks and uncertainties, the sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that comes from building something from the ground up is truly empowering.

It has been an incredible ride, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Along the way, I have learned valuable lessons, experienced personal growth, and achieved far more than I ever thought possible.

Lastly, I must mention the joy and love that my fur baby, Happy, has brought into my life. Being a proud mum to Happy has taught me about responsibility, unconditional love, and the importance of cherishing the small moments. Our bond has been a constant source of happiness and companionship, reminding me to find joy in the simplest of things.


Chapter 6 :

While the road to this reality has not always been smooth, it has been a worthwhile and transformative experience. I encountered challenges, faced setbacks, and dealt with moments of self-doubt. This experience has shaped me into a stronger, more resilient individual who believes that dreams do come true with perseverance and unwavering dedication.
I hope that my story inspires others to chase their dreams.

My journey from Hungary to the UK taught me invaluable lessons. I came to appreciate the role of serendipity, understanding that sometimes life presents unexpected opportunities that can propel us forward.

Looking back on my journey, I realise that one of the key factors in my success has been my refusal to let others dictate my level of ambition. Society often portrays ambition as a negative trait, labeling it as selfish or cutthroat. However, I firmly believe that being ambitious is not only a good thing but also necessary for personal growth and fulfillment.
It is through ambition that we challenge ourselves, set goals, and strive to achieve greatness.

Throughout my journey, I have learned to silence the doubters and naysayers, and instead, listen to my own inner voice. I have embraced the fact that my ambitions are unique to me and may not align with societal norms. By staying true to myself and my dreams, I have been able to create a life that surpasses my wildest imagination.

So, to anyone who has been told that ambition is bad or that being ambitious is not a good thing, I encourage you to challenge those beliefs. Embrace your dreams, set audacious goals, and work tirelessly to achieve them.

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support and inspire you. Seek out mentors who understand and encourage your ambitions. Stay focused on your goals and continue to work hard, knowing that every step you take brings you closer to your dreams.

In the face of adversity, let your stubbornness become your strength. Use it to fuel your determination and prove to yourself and others that you are capable of achieving extraordinary things. Your ambition is a gift, and it is through the pursuit of your dreams that you will leave a lasting impact on the world.

So, hold your head high and continue to be the ambitious individual you are. Let the laughter and doubts serve as motivation to prove the naysayers wrong !

Chapter 7 :
Paying It Forward

As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the immense support and kindness I received from my parents, my brothers, and Carl.
Their unwavering belief in me and their encouragement played a pivotal role in my success. Their love and support provided the foundation upon which I built my dreams, and for that, I will forever be grateful.

However, it is important to acknowledge that the journey has not been without its difficulties. Along the way, I experienced the loss of friendships, broken relationships, and moments of profound loneliness. Achieving success often comes at a cost, and not everyone is willing to support or understand the sacrifices and hard work required to pursue ambitious goals.

The setbacks and challenges I faced were not limited to personal connections. The global pandemic, COVID-19, presented an unforeseen hurdle that impacted not only my personal life but also my professional endeavors. It forced me to adapt, rethink my strategies, and find innovative solutions to keep moving forward.

Financial losses are an inherent risk when pursuing ambitious ventures. I faced moments of uncertainty and had to make difficult decisions that carried financial implications. However, I learned from these experiences, becoming more resilient and resourceful in the process.

Perhaps one of the most disheartening aspects of my journey was encountering individuals who turned their backs on me or judged me along the way. It can be dispiriting to face criticism, skepticism, or even betrayal from those you once considered close. However, I have come to realise that these experiences revealed the true colours of people and allowed me to surround myself with a smaller, but more genuine, support network.

In spite of the hardships, I remain happy and proud of my achievements. I am excited about the next chapters of my life and the opportunities they hold for further personal and professional growth. The challenges I faced have made me stronger, more resilient, and more determined to continue pursuing my dreams.

As I move forward, I am committed to staying true to myself and my ambitions. I will focus on fostering meaningful connections with individuals who genuinely support and uplift me. I will learn from the setbacks, cultivate resilience, and remain open to the lessons that each experience brings.


Chapter 8 :
Embracing Cultural Fusion

Moving to a new country has not only broadened my opportunities but has also exposed me to diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives. I have come to appreciate the beauty of cultural fusion, where people from various backgrounds come together, celebrating their differences and learning from one another. This multicultural experience has enriched my life and opened my eyes to a world of possibilities, fostering a deep sense of global citizenship within me.

However, I am compelled to address another aspect that has shaped my experiences: the challenges I faced due to racism. Growing up in Hungary, I had never personally encountered racism and believed it to be an isolated issue. However, when I embarked on my journey and stepped into new cultures and environments, I was confronted with the harsh reality of discrimination.

I found myself in unfamiliar territory, where my accent and cultural differences made me a target for ridicule and bullying. It was disheartening to face judgment and mockery for not fully understanding or grasping the intricacies of different cultures. Each day felt like attending a new school, where I had to navigate unfamiliar social dynamics and adapt to the norms and expectations of others.

These experiences opened my eyes to the existence and impact of racism.

It made me realise that racism can affect anyone, regardless of their background. It was a humbling experience that shattered my naivety and forced me to confront the harsh realities.

However, amidst the hardships, I was fortunate enough to encounter some incredible individuals who uplifted, supported, and encouraged me to push through. These amazing people extended their kindness, understanding, and friendship, helping me navigate the complexities of unfamiliar environments. Their support was a beacon of light during the darkest times, reminding me that there are good-hearted individuals who believe in unity and acceptance.

Their encouragement and affirmation motivated me not to hold back. Instead of allowing the negativity to overshadow my journey, I chose to embrace diversity, learn from different cultures, and celebrate the beauty of our shared humanity.

Chapter 9 :
A Lifetime of Growth

In life, growth is a constant companion. It guides us, shapes us, and propels us forward on the path of self-discovery. As I reflect on the past 10 years, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment for the goals I have achieved. However, my journey to personal growth is far from over.

Life is a journey, and growth is its faithful companion. Over the past decade, I have embarked on a transformative path of self-discovery. I have worked diligently to achieve my goals, pushing myself beyond comfort zones and embracing challenges with determination. But this journey is not defined by destinations alone; it is a continuous process of growth and evolution.

As I have grown, so have my aspirations. Along the way, I have realised that my list of goals and dreams is not set in stone but dynamically adjusts to align with my evolving self. I have discovered new passions, developed fresh perspectives, and gained insights that have shaped my journey. It is the beauty of growth—the ability to adapt and embrace change.

A positive mindset is a powerful ally on the journey of growth. It fuels resilience, determination, and a willingness to embrace change. As I look ahead to the next 10 years, I choose to embrace an optimistic outlook. I understand that growth requires effort, perseverance, and a willingness to step outside of my comfort zone. Challenges will arise, but I am confident in my ability to overcome them and come out stronger on the other side.
The journey of growth knows no bounds.
It is a lifelong pursuit, an ever-unfolding story of personal development.

Chapter 10 :
Embracing the Next Chapters 

I will continue to embrace challenges, seek new adventures, and strive for excellence in all aspects of my life. Along the way, my list of aspirations, goals, and dreams has adjusted and expanded, igniting a fire within me to embrace the next chapters of my life with open arms. The next 10 years hold immense potential, and I am eager to conquer new paths and continue my evolution.
Each day presents an opportunity to learn, evolve, and make a positive impact on the world around me.

I am driven by the desire to explore uncharted territories, to challenge myself further, and to push the boundaries of what I thought possible. With each new chapter, I am eager to embark on new adventures, learn from new experiences, and open myself up to unexpected opportunities.

This blog post aims to share my journey, highlighting the power of unwavering determination, ambition and a touch of serendipity.

This post is dedicated 

To anyone who may be on a similar journey, I want to remind you that despite the hardships and the individuals who may doubt or betray you, your dreams and ambitions are worth pursuing.
Surround yourself with a strong support system, stay true to your values, and believe in your abilities.
The road may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable.
Keep pushing forward and never lose sight of the incredible things you are capable of achieving.


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