This Is Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast Again

This Is Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast Again

When I wake up the first thing pops in my mind every single day is food. Breakfast has always been my favourite meal of the day since I was a kid as this was the time when all of us sat down to eat together as a family.
My dad always said to us when we were kids: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”.
Lunch or dinner wasn't the time where we all could make it to the table at the same time, so breakfast quickly became the most important meal in my family.
But this isn't the only reason why I'm so passionate about the morning meal, so let me show you why you should change your morning routine and add an extra 10 mins to make and eat something healthy.

You might be thinking I don't have time for breakfast... but you only need 10 mins! Many people out there rushing to get out the door every single morning and skipping breakfast. It's a big mistake.
So many times I leave my house without brushing my hair simply having the same bun that I put up last night without any, but I certainly won't go without getting a nice breakfast in me.
 Why? Have you ever tried to run a car without any petrol? It's hard, isn't it? Well, that's exactly what I feel like without breakfast, and this is what happens with your body too without any morning meal.
Breakfast provides the body and the brain with fuel, and without that, you won't be able to do things. Your body is basically running empty on super low energy... 

I know that many girls out there think skipping out a meal will help them to lose weight but what they don't know is that they will reach exactly the opposite with that.
So far we haven't got anything in our stomach as we skipped breakfast. What will happen next?
We will end up snacking as we need food in our system and we are so far from lunchtime. You will feel so hungry that you will grab anything, this will lead you to pile up unhealthy calories.
This takes me to my next point, breakfast helps you to lose weight.
Having an a.m meal helps to feel fuller for longer which means you will eat fewer calories throughout the day.

Starting your morning with a meal also helps to boost your metabolism and stable your sugar levels. As my dad is diabetic, I know a lot about stabilising sugar levels, but maintaining a steady sugar level is a wise goal for everyone as this can help you lose or manage weight.
With the lifestyle I have is tough to be a morning person so to be less grumpy in the morning breakfast is a definite answer.
It's a fact that foods we eat affect our moods so to have a healthy breakfast instead of Krispy Kreme doughnuts is also essential to get us out of that cranky morning mood.

So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!
 It gives you the energy that you need to get you going, to stay focus during the day, boost your metabolism which means helping to burn calories throughout the day.
Hopefully, I have convinced a few of you to get up  10 mins earlier to make and eat a healthy breakfast in the morning.

Do you ever skip breakfast? What's your favourite breakfast meal? 

Share your ideas in the comment below.



  1. Carl
    4 -March- 2019 / 10:45 am


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