Delicious Healthy Carrot Cake Recipe

Delicious Healthy Carrot Cake Recipe

It might not be the right season for a carrot cake, but for me, Easter always means baking my favourite cake. However, you need to be extremely careful with this sneaky dessert. Carrot cakes make you believe that they are healthy because they are made of carrots. Well, the truth is...

Usually, a slice of carrot cake is around 650 cals (yes, they are sugar bombs!) But don’t worry, a slice of this it's only around 300 cals.
So, If you have a sweet tooth, but don’t want to feel guilty enjoying a slice then this recipe is for you!
Most probably the only cake I would make anytime anywhere, even just for myself. All for me!!-(greedy me ) but today I will be sharing the secret recipe for my all-time favourite cake so you can enjoy Easter without feeling guilty.


The base:

1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
2. Put the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon into a large bowl.
3. In a separate bowl add the melted coconut oil, eggs, honey and vanilla extract. Whisk it until you get a smooth consistency.
4. When it’s done combine the two bowls together. Mix them carefully! If you overmix the batter or stir it too quickly that would affect the cake texture. (your cake won't be spongy and moist)
5. Now time to fold into the mixture the carrots, pineapples and the walnuts. Stir it well, again be careful!
6. Pour the mixture into a baking tin.(I used a circle non-stick)
7. Place the cake in a preheated oven for 30-40 mins. I usually insert a skewer into the centre and when it comes out clean I know the cake it’s done.
8. After taking out the cake from the oven, leave in the tin on the side for about 5 minutes.
9. Turn it out to cool completely, so we can start making the frosting.



1. Using a stand or hand mixer beat the double cream to a thick consistency until you can turn the bowl upside down without the cream falling out.
2. In a separate bowl add the cream cheese, the honey and the vanilla extract. Stir it well.
3. When both mixtures are ready, pour them together and really carefully mix it all together.
4. The frosting is done. Now the cake should be ready as well.
If you like layered cakes like me then follow the recipe further. However, if you prefer the frosting only on the top just spread evenly across the top of the cake the frosting and you are done!



1. Wrap a piece of thread around the cake.
2. Cross the ends of the thread holding each end in each hand.
3. Pull both ends out and away from the cake.
There you go we have the layers we wanted! 🙂

Now place a little more than the half of the frosting into the middle. Spread it evenly. Place the other layer back onto the frosting. Time to decorate the cake!


1. Spread the leftover frosting we have on the top of the cake. Evenly!:)
2. This step you can be as creative as you want. I like to use some grated carrots, chopped walnuts and flaked almonds. On occasions like Easter, I top it up with flowers or mini fondant carrots. 

So here we have it! Time to enjoy our healthier version of a carrot cake.

If you have a healthy carrot cake recipe or a secret weapon to cut even more calories down from a dessert than please free to share with us ! xx

Happy Baking everyone! 


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