Infused Water Ideas to Keep You Hydrated

Infused Water Ideas to Keep You Hydrated

I'm sure you all know how important it is to stay hydrated. There are also many things out there to help us to make sure we drink enough water. Have you heard about the water reminder app or the water reminder wallpaper background? Yep, they are a thing.
So how do you make your water taste better without adding extra calories?

The answer is: infused water.
Infusing your water not only helps you to drink plenty of water without adding sugar or anything artificial to your drinks, but it also helps to control your appetite. Plus, one cup of fruit is enough to infuse a whole jug of water or to flavour your water bottle refills all day.
Here are some of my quick favourite flavour combinations to help you to stay hydrated while you are enjoying your glass of water.

Lemon based

It is easy to make lemon-infused water and takes little time, as lemon releases its flavour almost immediately.
This is why lemon is one of my favourite ingredients to use when it comes to flavour water.
I have a sweet tooth, however, time to time when I feel like a refreshing a bit bitter juice, I like to make a lemon-based citrus mix.

Orange, Lemon, Lime
Just slice up a lemon, lime and orange then squeeze the juice out and place it into a jug add some mint, then add the water.

Cucumber, Lemon, Celery

Slice a quatre of cucumber, a lemon and two celery and pour all the ingredients into a jug.
Fill the jug up with water, then enjoy.


Strawberry, Lemon, Lime
You need one lemon,5 strawberries, and one lime. Slice all the ingredients then put them all into a jug.
Fill a jug up with water and place it into the fridge for about 2-3 hrs to chill.

Cucumber based

Cucumber is an excellent help to any weight-loss diet, as it fills you up and this way you feel more satisfied.
Also has many health benefits, as well as improves skin health.
It composed of 96 % water.

Cucumber and mint
Chop half of a cucumber into rounds, slice up a lime, add fresh mint leaves, and pour in some water.

Cucumber and Lavender Water
Just chop half of the cucumber up and add some lavender blossoms then fill the jug up with water.

Cucumber, Thyme, Lime
Slice half of cucumber and one lime into rounds then add some fresh thyme into a jug.
Fill the jug up with water and enjoy.

Strawberry, Cucumber, Mint
You need about 5 strawberries and a half of cucumber. Slice them all up then add some fresh mint and fill the jug up with water.

Berry based
Berries are packed with nutrients and powerful antioxidants, not to mention the juicy texture and mouthwatering taste.
I could eat berries all day long.
Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry just pass me a handful, and I'm a happy girl.

Raspberry and lime
Cut one lime into wedges, add a half cup of raspberries then pour the water in the jug.

Watermelon, Strawberries
Slice up about 5 strawberries into rounds and quatre of watermelon into wedges. Add all the ingredients into the jug then fill it up with water.

Blueberry and Lavender
A handful of blueberries, some fresh lavender blossoms and a jug of water, that's all you need.

Mixed berries
As I have mentioned before I'm a huge fan of berries so of course, a mix of all is also one of my favourite options to make my water taste better. A handful of blackberries, about 4-5 sliced strawberries,5-6 blackberries and a handful of raspberries. It's literally a mix of heaven.

Perfect summer drink to keep you hydrated during the hot weather.
I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.

See you next time.


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