Make your home smell amazing with natural home fragrance

Make your home smell amazing with natural home fragrance

Just on the other side of our street, there is a unique old Church with a small park next to it where is a beautiful magnolia tree standing right next to the entry. That tree is the heralds of spring on our street. Honestly, I can't believe that Spring is already here even though I love every season of the year I'm happy that after the long, dark winter months spring has arrived and brought fresh air in our days.

Literally, I could not pick a favourite season.
I find spring so beautiful because of the blossoming flowers and trees not to mention that they smell lovely. After a long time, I can finally open all my windows and let the fresh air fulfil the house. The temperature is on the rise, it's the time of spring clean which means a new fresh start of our wardrobes and homes.
Summer, there is no better feeling than, when the sun is shining, I can spend every spare time I have outdoors. Eating outside, picnic, BBQs. I love beach time, lying on the sand and listening to the waves while soaking up all the Vitamin D.
Autumn, there is something about the pretty leaves. They go orange, slowly fall off the tree then they turn into reds, then they assemble a big pile of brown on the ground. I also love Autumn because it's pumpkin season and because of the cosy nights in.
 Winter, for this season, is super easy to be loveable especially when it's snowing. It might sound crazy that I love when I enter our home after a long walk in the cold. It feels cosy and super warm. Love curling up on the sofa next to the fireplace with a cup of mulled wine, and of course, it's the time of Christmas.

So, that we are finally in the springtime, I love freshening up our home with a big cleaning day and a spring scent. There are two types of potpourri that I use, dried or simmering.
The dried potpourri is the one that sits in a bowl, letting off a pleasant scent. It's actually also cheaper making it than buying it in store. Today I will be sharing a recipe of a simmering potpourri, this is actually easier to make and less hassle than the dried ones.

What is a simmering potpourri?
 It's a mix of edible ingredients, like fruits, herbs and spices. You can make a simmering potpourri mix from literally anything that smells good, while it's being simmered.
You place it on the stove for hours, or you can use a crockpot if you prefer that. It’s a much cheaper solution to make your home smell amazing, and it’s a 100% natural air freshener.

Simmering Spring potpourri recipe

You will probably have most of the ingredients at home or in your garden already for this super easy DIY project. You can make your own mix from literally anything, just let your nose tell you when you’ve got the blend just right. I like it when my home smells fresh and clean during Springtime, so I picked a citrus based potpourri.


1 sliced lemon

1 sliced lime

A bunch of fresh mints ( 1 handful)

A bunch of fresh thyme (3-4 springs)

1 tbsp Vanilla extract or 2 vanilla pods

Fill a pot with water


Place all the ingredients into a pot and fill with water and simmer. 

Add more water as needed.

You can use the same pan and ingredients for a couple of days.

 That's all you need. Easy right?

Instead of tossing things out that are about to go bad, like old lemons or oranges, or used coffee grounds throw them into a simmering pot and let them fill your home with a beautiful smell. This is just one of the combination that you can try with fruits, herbs and spices.

Would love to see what idea you come up with to make your home smell amazing with this natural air freshener.

 Which is your favourite season? What do you use to make your home smell amazing?
 Share your simmering potpourri combination with us in the comment below.

See you next time


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